Virtual Relaunch of the 1999 Beaver Hall Group Retrospective Exhibition Celebrating the 25th anniversary

Galerie Walter Klinkhoff Inc.’s 1999 annual loan exhibition honoured the achievements of the Beaver Hall Group women painters Emily Coonan, Nora Collyer, Prudence Heward, Mabel Lockerby, Mabel May, Kathleen Moir Morris, Lilias Torrance Newton, Sarah Robertson, Anne Savage, and Ethel Seath. The exhibition was originally launched in conjunction with the release of Dr. Barbara Meadowcroft’s Painting Friends: The Beaver Hall Women Painters.

Our family is committed to supporting the Beaver Hall Women and has hosted individual retrospectives for many of the artists as part of our broader efforts to help enhance the public recognition of these underappreciated artists.

To celebrate the 25th anniversary of the exhibition, and to reaffirm our family’s commitment to promoting the legacy of these artists, we are relaunching the exhibition virtually. This initiative draws from our archives, incorporating the original photographs and titles assigned at the time. Many of the paintings viewed here have not been exhibited publicly since 1999.


Alan Klinkhoff Gallery specializes in the purchase, sale and appraisal of works by members of the Beaver Hall Group. Paintings available for sale by Nora Collyer and Mabel May are featured at the end of this presentation. Contact us today for a complimentary consultation.

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