Ventes notoires
Nude by a Lake - Nu près d'un lac, 1933 (before)
Woodcut - Gravure sur bois
8 x 6 3/4 in
20.3 x 17.1 cm
20.3 x 17.1 cm
Private collection, Montreal - Collection particulière, Montréal.Expositions
Other Known Impressions: Robert McLaughlin Gallery (6/30); Montreal Museum of Fine Arts (11/30, 13/30 & no. 41*); Private Collections (20/30, 28/30 & no. 35*) *Numbers 35 and 41 are "likely later impressions" (Ian Thom. "The Prints of Edwin Holgate". McMichael Canadian Art Collection, 1990). - Autres impressions connues: Galerie Robert McLaughlin (6/30); Musée des beaux-arts de Montréal (11/30, 13/30 & no. 41*); Collections particulières (20/30, 28/30 & no. 35*) *Nos 35 and 41 ont "probablement été produites plus tard" (Ian Thom. "Les gravures d'Edwin Holgate". Collection McMichael d'art canadien, 1990).Galerie Walter Klinkhoff, Montreal, Important Canadian Art, 11 November 2008.
Illustrated in Ian Thom. "The Prints of Edwin Holgate". McMichael Canadian Art Collection, 1990 (Cat. 47). Illustrated in Rosalind Pepall and Brian Foss. "Edwin Holgate", The Montreal Museum of Fine Arts, 2005 (Cat 171, pg 73). Denis Martin. "L'estampe au Quebec". (p.31) - Illustratée, "Les gravures d'Edwin Holgate", Ian M. Thom, Collection McMichael d'art canadien, 1990 (Cat. 47). Illustratée, "Edwin Holgate", Rosalind Pepall et Brian Foss, Musée des beaux-arts de Montréal, 2005 (Cat. 171, p. 73). "L'estampe au Québec", Denis Martin, p.31.
Numbered 2/30
No 2/30
No 2/30