Bloguele Février 1, 2012

4 reasons to sell with Alan Klinkhoff Gallery

#1. We are the only private historical gallery with locations in Canada's two largest markets.

With our fixed price galleries in Canada’s two largest cities and online at we we offer a platform where we project maximizing your value in the sale of high value fine art.


#2. We offer greater financial efficiency and lower commissions.

We offer a financial efficiency for both buyers and sellers of high value fine art. Our low aggregate commissions and fees are attractive to all stakeholders.


#3. We get the job done.

We have a very high percentage of closing sales at our projected prices.


#4. Dealing privately protects buyers and sellers.

Our business transactions are confidential. Buyers and sellers of the Alan Klinkhoff Gallery are secure in the knowledge that all our financial dealings will be handled with the utmost discretion.


A Case Study in working with Alan Klinkhoff Gallery instead of an auction house.

As an example of the above 4 reasons to sell with  Alan Klinkhoff Gallery, on April 1st, 2018, in celebrating Canada’s 150th, Alan Klinkhoff Gallery successfully orchestrated the sale of $35 million of paintings by Lawren Harris. In dollar value this was the largest single consignment of paintings to any Canadian gallery or Canadian auction house to date. Our total aggregate commissions/fees were from 7% up to 10%. This commission structure is highly advantageous for both buyers and sellers in that clients have extraordinary value in their transaction.  The seller had the added benefit that the “fixed price” platform avoided the financial risks of selling at auction. Our rate of unsold works from the high dollar value seller was 90% in value. For the seller and the buyers, the prices of the individual transactions were confidential and will remain so.


Craig, Jonathan and Alan Klinkhoff invite sellers of important Canadian art for a confidential consultation.


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