In Memory of John C. Little

Photo © Alan Klinkhoff Gallery
On behalf of Alan, Jonathan, and Craig Klinkhoff, as well as our employees and families, we extend our sincerest condolences to the family and friends of John Geoffrey Caruthers Little. John Little will be remembered as Canada's preeminent painter of the city. Working for more than 70 years with consummate integrity, passion, humility, and humour, Little produced a body of work that serves as an allegory for the countless North American streets and neighbourhoods stripped or decimated during the post-World War II era of urban renewal.
John Little’s passing represents the loss of a national treasure. He leaves to mourn Brian, Roger and Ronaldo. Little was predeceased by his loving wife Lorraine. She provided him and their family unwavering stability, support and encouragement without which he could not have sustained a career of this magnitude. It was an honour for the Klinkhoff family to have served this iconic artist since the late 1950s.