BlogMar 25, 2020

Silver Lining

March 2020

If there is a silver lining to this dark cloud it is that most aspects of our business remain fully functional remotely from our homes, including a limited ability to send your art purchases. Thanks to the initiatives of Jonathan and Craig assisted by our team, supported by outside consultants and fueled by ongoing financial investments, we are as well equipped as any commercial art gallery in North America to serve our friends and clients at with market information, a showcase of our artwork, virtual visits to our galleries and other features we invite you to explore for your pleasure. With a few exceptions all our paintings for sale are available for viewing with their selling prices indicated on our site at

To begin with you might wish to have a look at the Collection of Mitzi & Mel Dobrin we are presently offering for sale. One can see the works individually or as they were installed at our Toronto location. We shall be adding more images shortly of the Montreal installation of the collection.


Mitzi & Mel Dobrin collection exhibited in Toronto, March 2020

View The Collection of Mitzi and Mel Dobrin


You can even simulate what they would look like on a wall above a sofa and other furniture options. - view our artworks in a room


“View in a Room” at, and view works of art to scale.


So, while on the one hand we are closed, on the other we are open 24/7/365 at And if you have inquiries, we monitor emails literally all the time. Calls will be forwarded to us, permitting you to reach us by telephone. If by chance we don’t answer, please leave a message. 

Working from homes both in Montreal and Toronto for the time being, our intentions are to regularly send updates as well as articles about paintings or artists of interest to us, addressing them from a personal perspective. I have often told people that I’ve been in this business “since the crib”, with the good fortune of watching Mom & Dad at the gallery from my earliest memories. Therefore my opinions, maybe “stories” or observations are the product of experience well beyond the 45 years I have been working full time in the art business. 

I note that these musings are not intended to be academic contributions of scholarship. They will however serve as among my recollections on the record until such time as the larger memoir in progress is complete. We hope that you will find them of some enjoyment. 

From my family and our team we wish you good health. 

First up will be Arthur Lismer. We invite you to stay tuned. 


Alan Klinkhoff

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