Beaver Hall Group Exhibition and Sale
1448 Sherbrooke Street West
Tuesday, October 20th to Saturday, October 31st, 2015
113 Yorkville Avenue
Tuesday, November 3rd to Saturday, November 14th, 2015
Contact us for buying and selling inquiries
The Beaver Hall Group and The Klinkhoff family
With the impending exhibition at the Montreal Museum of Fine Arts (MMFA) 1920s Modernism in Montreal, The Beaver Hall Group, it is our intention to complement the exposure the exhibition gives to these fine artists by offering for sale some outstanding and important works by several of these artists at the Alan Klinkhoff Gallery in both Montreal and Toronto. The museum’s exhibition portends to be a wonderful and informative one, accompanied by an extensively researched catalogue - one I think 4 or 5 years in preparation. For our part, we would simply like to relate how the Klinkhoff family has been singing the praises of these artists and others for several decades now by preparing dozens of non-selling exhibitions in their honour, advising collectors to purchase their work, and acting for some of their estates selling their work. Whereas in some cases we may have been a generation removed from the artist himself or herself, in others we, Dad at any rate, was current with many of their careers.
Kathleen M. Morris, A.R.C.A. (1893-1986) Back of the Market, Berthierville, c. 1925
The knowledge accumulated anecdotally from Mom and Dad's experiences and more than 40 years of our own organizing a number of non-selling exhibitions honouring many of these artists is significant to our understanding of their work.
We look forward to sharing these experiences and anecdotes during our Exhibition & Sale from October 20th and November 14th.
Alan Klinkhoff