BlogApril 19, 2012

Danielle Lanteigne Exhibition & Sale*

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Vernissage May 12 - from 10 am. until 4 pm.

Danielle Lanteigne will be in attendance at the vernissage. ** Exhibition continues through May 26, 2012. Tulipes au napperon | Acrylic on canvas 48 x 48 inches

* All paintings are subject to prior sale. ** At select times only.

of 446


Hey Danielle, when we first came across your Paintings, we knew we wanted to have one of your Paintings'.
How would we be able to see what you have available for Sale?
We are presently doing a complete Renovation of our 150 yr old Farmhouse. When we came across your work, hanging on a wall, featured in a Canadian Magazine, we agreed that we too would be honored to hang some or a Painting of yours on a wall or two in our "new OLD home".
Would appreciate it very much to hear from you.
Thanks again, Denise and Mark
Denise and Mark Mayer
27 April 2012

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