BlogFebruary 29, 2012

Surge in Demand for 'Fresh' Artwork Offered Privately: Fall 2011

Robert Pilot, RCA (1898-1967) -


The fall of 2011 and first two months of the New Year have shown tangible evidence of the outstanding value of fixed price selling of fine art in the gallery setting. It can be the optimum marriage of seller to buyer where the best and right price are achieved with the benefit of a knowledgeable and trustworthy broker.


Coincidentally, it is not dissimilar in fact to the kind of service firms like Christie's and Sotheby's offer when they sell a valuable real estate. More recently, note the aggressive push the majors are doing to conduct "Private Sales" or "Private Placements" of art work. Hey! That's what we have been doing for 60 years! The conclusion; in order to maximize value selling "property", be it real estate or fine art, it is certainly not necessary to have an open competition.


Unlike buyers of residential real estate, purchasers of fine art often make numerous acquisitions forming a collection and prefer these precious and unique goods to be offered to them individually. The networking ability cyberspace affords us has allowed fixed price fine art galleries like Galerie Walter Klinkhoff to put together a book of active clients looking to make special purchases in our fields of expertise. In the early fall and again late in January we placed an outstanding selection of fine works of art, some which we brokered and others which for the convenience of the vendor we purchased from them for resale. Just as the January sale was concluding we were already well on our way to building a collection for sale to be showcased on March 30th. Potential sellers of important works of art should contact us without delay for a confidential consultation for their inclusion in this sale. Buyers too, insofar as we are perfectly willing to place various works in advance of the public presentation on-line, we encourage collectors to alert us as to their particular collecting interests, tastes and budgets so that we can best vet their collections.


A knowledgeable and experienced dealer can be your best ally in forming your fine art collection. We will take this opportunity to reiterate that the concept of purchasing works of art "fresh" to the marketplace is a significant cachet to its desirability and value now and for the foreseeable future. For those of you who are purchasing with a view in mind to selling in the medium term, maybe 10 to 15 years forward you should be mindful that purchasing publicly, the auction sale creates a footprint which is almost instantly retrievable in cyberspace. The result is that your purchase will not be "fresh" for a long time to come, losing its lustre of freshness for resale either at auction or in a fixed price gallery for who knows how long. This is something to think about. We are categoric in our opinion that a collector/ investor is significantly better off purchasing with the discretion a "fixed price" art gallery offers rather than in an auction environment.


For you buyers/investors, even if you have to pay a bit of a premium to buy a work of art fresh to the market and do so, we do believe it in one's interest to do so to avoid that potentially discouraging footprint. Because of that record in cyberspace the art trade these days is rarely a buyer at auction for resale. You the retail buyer/investor should be similarly wary of the future potential for monetizing what you are purchasing. Finally, we again take this opportunity to encourage sellers of important works of fine art to contact us for a confidential consultation should you be considering selling important Canadian works of art. Collectors we invite you also to contact us and are confident that we can assist you in forming your art collection. We have three generations of the Klinkhoff family and a strong support staff to serve your collecting interests.


Copyright © Galerie Walter Klinkhoff, 2012

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