"The Gold Standard"
We offer accurate, cost effective appraisals and getting updates from us is both simple and efficient. Accuracy is derived from our experience as practitioners in the market.
Appraisals by the Klinkhoff family have been called "The Gold Standard" (Ian Christie Clark, CCPERB Chairman, 1977-1978).
The Klinkhoff family has been appraising works of art since 1949. Alan, Jonathan and Craig Klinkhoff have many years of professional experience conducting appraisals, including evaluations for insurance, estate planning and for the Canadian Cultural Property Export Review Board (CCPERB). The list of beneficiaries includes some of Canada's most prominent private collectors as well as institutions like the National Gallery of Canada, Montreal Museum of Fine Arts, Musée national des beaux-arts du Québec and the Art Gallery of Nova Scotia, to name a selection.
Alan Klinkhoff also served on the acquisition committee of the Musée national des beaux-arts du Québec (1996-2009) and has been declared an "expert" evaluator by the Federal Ministry of Justice. Walter Klinkhoff Gallery (1949-2013) was a founding member of the Professional Art Dealers Association of Canada.